Wednesday 8 December 2010

Ideas For Headlines and mastheads

Here are some ideas of mastheads. My first name for my music magazine was 'Exclusive' as my news will be exclusive from Africa; however I felt that this did not really represent the genre and the content of my magazine, so I came up with the name of 'Drum'as this is the basis of African music and also has a strong connotation with Africa therefore making it an ideal name.

My first, second and fourth masthead I have used a distorted font with green, white, yellow and white these colours connotes with Africa, this was done to represent the genre of the magazine however I felt it did not relate the research in mastheads in which  I have done.

So I have chosen the third masthead as the curves relates well to established magazines such as VIBE and  Billboard; which inevitably represent the style of music I am promoting; the lines in the font (atlas) also reminds me of the string of an African drum which again relates to my genre of music as well as the title within itself. 

Idea 1
Gives You The Deal
On The Begining

Idea 2
Drum... Presents

Idea 3
Presents Gifted our sister from Africa

I have chosen to go with idea 3 as I like the manipulation of the name of my magazine, also the common reference to people from Africa as sister or brother really portrays the African culture that  I want to promote in my magazine

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