Thursday 9 December 2010

EVALUATION QUESTION-How did you attract/ address the audience for your music publication?

As I said previously my target audience are Africans so I use various strategies in order to relate with Africans. I address my audience by using colours are often connoted with Africa such as red, green and yellow or green and white (Nigeria).Not only that I use West African colloquial language which is often referred to as pidgin English; I have done this in order to relate to my potential readers, this will then make them more inclined into buying my magazine as they feel it is about them, their culture and their people. The name of my magazine 'DRUM' is also an inference to African music as drums are the basis of our music, I have used a font containing lines and curves this relates to Africa as within the textile industry materials often have patterns containing stripes and curves. The line with in font also refers to the strings that are on an African drum. This amount of detail in relation to Africa conveys and passes the culture through the magazine this then attracts African people to the magazine as it takes them back to their homeland reminiscing and seeing the best of African music and culture within my magazine.
I will publicise my magazine within places such as Hackney and Islington where there is a huge population of Africans. I will then target corner shops within these areas where I will sell my new magazine. I will advertise my magazine using T.V programmes that a lot of African people watch such as AIT-African International Television. I will promote my magazine on African music websites such as and put posters advertising my magazine in the areas which I mentioned before. In order to even furthermore attract my potential customers I will give away a free authentic African bead bracelet

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