Thursday 9 December 2010

EVALUATION QUESTION-How does your media product represent particular social groups, how are you appealing to the youth culture?

I am appealing to the youth culture by using vibrant colours such yellow, green and red to appeal to the culture of youths. It is said that these colours represent the life of a youth: fun, care-free, busy. For example magazines such as Top Of The Pops.
As you can see there are a lot of vibrant colours (Pink and Yellow), this is similar to my magazine, I have managed to adapt African culture through the colours as well as being appealing to young people; as luckily the colours connotes with Africa are bright. I have also used curvy fonts (like the magazine above) as I believe it represents a life of a youth: fun and different. Rather than plain and straight fonts with dull colours such as black, grey etc (which appeals more to 26+).
Predominantly African people with in the UK are working class so I believe the fact that my magazine is Africa inspired it means that inevitably I am representing the working class through my magazine.
I have pacifically chosen an African who is 19 and a female as well because firstly, my magazine is based on African culture and my target audience is within the ages of 16-19 years so using someone with in this age range will apply more to my age range as she is one them for example if we look at the magazine Vogue; there is Vogue and Teen Vogue. Teen Vogue (with teenage models) was created to appeal to teenagers and this is what I have done as well I have used someone within the age range that I am targeting to appeal to them more.

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