Wednesday 24 November 2010

Two page spread of mix and mag analysis

Lighting and colour
The first half of the spread uses natural lighting; however the second half of the spread uses flash in order for the clothes to be more visible to attract the reader’s attention, the use of flash and the white background is used to enhance the advertisement of clothes

Camera angle/ shot/ facial expression/ body language
  • Right shot angle
  • It covers a range of ethnicity (black,white asian)
  • It covers both genders ( two boys and one girl standing in the middle)
The fact that there is a range of ethnicities and both genders shows the beliefs of those who are in control of the magazine that they believe in equality no matter gender nor race.
  •   the girl in the middle looks directly at the camera but the two boys aren’t (expand-what could this mean)
Costume and props
The designer outfits on each model

Set in alley way which makes it look their standing outside a night club, which relate to the magazines target market (young people and those who like to go clubbing etc.)

The looks of the models compliments the clothing and makes people want to buy their outfits as they look fashionable with them on. 

(This picture is scanned in)

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