Tuesday 23 November 2010

EVALUATION QUESTION-Who would be the audience for your music magazine?

My target Audience are between ages 16-19 years as I will be doing African RnB my main target audience are African people however African music is also currently becoming popular amongst Afro- Carribeans, so though I will be targetting Africans, Afro- carribeans may be interested as well.

My magazine contains only African music artists, it will regulary inform it's readers of the latests African songs and the new and upcoming artists. It will also have the latest news on the artists lives according to the gratifications theory my readers will be satisfied through knowing the latest songs as usually african music comes out in Africa first then the west, by having this magazine I will be giving them the advantage of knowing the latest music and artists before it comes to the UK, giving them the satisfaction of surveillance but not only that by giving them the heads up of the latest music they'll feel important by having the exclusive knowledge on it before anyone else. The latest news on different music artists will give the readers a Diversion satisfaction. My magazine also relates with my audience as in my magazines I will be having the latest fashions concerning African attire and hairstyles as these are the topics that afro-Caribbean are stereotyped as having high involvement in.
The type of products and services that I will be advertising in my magazines are body lotions, hair products and African clothing boutiques the latest designer brands such as Nike, Adidas and other designer brands as these are desired by my target audience.

Age range: 16-19 years

Gender target: Male and Female  

Target Ethnicity: Afro-Caribbean

Occupation: Student

Demographic: C2DE

Technology ownership:-

  • Computer ownership
  • CD player
  • Ipod
  • Satellite/Cable TV

Favourite TV channels: Black Entertainment Tv, AIT (african channel), BBC, OBE (african channel), MTV and Entertainment TV

Favourite clothes shop: New Look, Top shop, River Island etc

Personality: Bubbly, outgoing etc

Where they buy their music

How much they spend

Maximum £14.99

Do they go concerts?
Yes, occasionally

How do they listen to music?

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