Monday 15 November 2010

NANG Magazine Analysis

Front cover of Nang

The title is orange informing us that the magazine is aimed at both genders as it has not used a stereotypical colour such as blue or pink. The font of the mast head is in a graffiti style showing that the style or the audience they want to attract are urban, edgy youths, the graffiti style also informs us that there target audience are young people as young people are often associated with committing act of vandalism such as graffiti on wall etc. the same type of font used through the front cover which emphasises on the edgy, trendy style the magazine wishes to promote.

The Lure on the front of the magazine
"Bashy: NANG!'s verdict on his long waited debut album"
There are many lures on the front cover; in fact the magazine cover in the background is basically full of lures. However the one that I have mentioned here stand out the most it is right next to Bashy's face. Also the lure corresponds with the picture as the name of the person on the magazine is called Bashy therefore highlighting the importance of the article; consequently it grasps the reader’s attraction the most.

Mode of address
There is use of colliquial language within the masthead itself, again targeting the youths.

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