Thursday 25 November 2010

Semi Otics

This picture is a close up shot, the main focus is the wedding ring, this is an indexical sign as it indicates that he is married, it is also a symbol as the circle represents eternal love. Another sign to the ring concerning the indexical sign, is that the ring is an indication that he is no longer on the market, he is now in a committed relationship. The ring can also be an iconic sign as weddings are usually connote to church, so this is a religious sign.
The watch is also an indexical sign as the watch looks very expensive so the watch acts as an indicator of his wealth.
His tattoo of a star can act as a symbol for his that he is a superstar!

Semiotics: The Science Of  Signs (the understanding of why we use signs)- an attempt to create a science of the study of sign systems and their role in the construction and reconstruction of meaning in media text.

Signs: Consists of a signifier has an idea/ meaning behind the set of images 

There are 3 different types of signs:-

Symbol: A sign that represents an object or concept solely by the agreement of the people who use it.


Iconic signs: are like religious paintings, statues and stained glass windows found in churches. It could also be famous people or people of high power- these people are refered to icons.

Example 1:-

Example 2:-

Indexical Signs: signs that have some kind of direct connection with what is being signified . E.g. Smoke signifies fire. Indexical signs are 'indicators.'

This shows me how I must consider this in the pictures that I take. As I am creating a magazine on the basis of African Cultural music it essential to convey this to a person so that even without the text they can know all about my magazine, I want to use essential semi otics that will relate with an African, which inevitably attract them to my magazine. So therefore I have decided that the person on the front cover must be African clothes acting as an indexical; indicating that she is an African.

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