Thursday 25 November 2010

Semi Otics- Analysis

This picture is a close up shot, the main focus is the wedding ring, this is an indexical sign as it indicates that he is married, it is also a symbol as the circle represents eternal love. Another sign to the ring concerning the indexical sign, is that the ring is a indication that he is no longer on the market, he is now in a committed relationship. The ring can also be an iconic sign as weddings are usually connote to church, so this is a religious sign.
The watch is also an indexical sign as the watch looks very expensive so the watch acts as an indicator of his wealth.
His tattoo of a star can act as a symbol for his that he is a superstar!

Semi Otics

This picture is a close up shot, the main focus is the wedding ring, this is an indexical sign as it indicates that he is married, it is also a symbol as the circle represents eternal love. Another sign to the ring concerning the indexical sign, is that the ring is an indication that he is no longer on the market, he is now in a committed relationship. The ring can also be an iconic sign as weddings are usually connote to church, so this is a religious sign.
The watch is also an indexical sign as the watch looks very expensive so the watch acts as an indicator of his wealth.
His tattoo of a star can act as a symbol for his that he is a superstar!

Semiotics: The Science Of  Signs (the understanding of why we use signs)- an attempt to create a science of the study of sign systems and their role in the construction and reconstruction of meaning in media text.

Signs: Consists of a signifier has an idea/ meaning behind the set of images 

There are 3 different types of signs:-

Symbol: A sign that represents an object or concept solely by the agreement of the people who use it.


Iconic signs: are like religious paintings, statues and stained glass windows found in churches. It could also be famous people or people of high power- these people are refered to icons.

Example 1:-

Example 2:-

Indexical Signs: signs that have some kind of direct connection with what is being signified . E.g. Smoke signifies fire. Indexical signs are 'indicators.'

This shows me how I must consider this in the pictures that I take. As I am creating a magazine on the basis of African Cultural music it essential to convey this to a person so that even without the text they can know all about my magazine, I want to use essential semi otics that will relate with an African, which inevitably attract them to my magazine. So therefore I have decided that the person on the front cover must be African clothes acting as an indexical; indicating that she is an African.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Drum- Magazine

As my chosen genre is African RnB, due to the scarce of African RnB magazine; I have chosen magazines such as Billboard and Vibe, which are the closest type of magazines to my chosen genre, in order to gain inspiration and guidance on how I can create a magazine related to the R N B side. I will then entwine Nigerian colloquial language (pidgen English) to represent the African side of African R N B

Two page spread of mix and mag analysis

Lighting and colour
The first half of the spread uses natural lighting; however the second half of the spread uses flash in order for the clothes to be more visible to attract the reader’s attention, the use of flash and the white background is used to enhance the advertisement of clothes

Camera angle/ shot/ facial expression/ body language
  • Right shot angle
  • It covers a range of ethnicity (black,white asian)
  • It covers both genders ( two boys and one girl standing in the middle)
The fact that there is a range of ethnicities and both genders shows the beliefs of those who are in control of the magazine that they believe in equality no matter gender nor race.
  •   the girl in the middle looks directly at the camera but the two boys aren’t (expand-what could this mean)
Costume and props
The designer outfits on each model

Set in alley way which makes it look their standing outside a night club, which relate to the magazines target market (young people and those who like to go clubbing etc.)

The looks of the models compliments the clothing and makes people want to buy their outfits as they look fashionable with them on. 

(This picture is scanned in)

Tuesday 23 November 2010

EVALUATION QUESTION-Who would be the audience for your music magazine?

My target Audience are between ages 16-19 years as I will be doing African RnB my main target audience are African people however African music is also currently becoming popular amongst Afro- Carribeans, so though I will be targetting Africans, Afro- carribeans may be interested as well.

My magazine contains only African music artists, it will regulary inform it's readers of the latests African songs and the new and upcoming artists. It will also have the latest news on the artists lives according to the gratifications theory my readers will be satisfied through knowing the latest songs as usually african music comes out in Africa first then the west, by having this magazine I will be giving them the advantage of knowing the latest music and artists before it comes to the UK, giving them the satisfaction of surveillance but not only that by giving them the heads up of the latest music they'll feel important by having the exclusive knowledge on it before anyone else. The latest news on different music artists will give the readers a Diversion satisfaction. My magazine also relates with my audience as in my magazines I will be having the latest fashions concerning African attire and hairstyles as these are the topics that afro-Caribbean are stereotyped as having high involvement in.
The type of products and services that I will be advertising in my magazines are body lotions, hair products and African clothing boutiques the latest designer brands such as Nike, Adidas and other designer brands as these are desired by my target audience.

Age range: 16-19 years

Gender target: Male and Female  

Target Ethnicity: Afro-Caribbean

Occupation: Student

Demographic: C2DE

Technology ownership:-

  • Computer ownership
  • CD player
  • Ipod
  • Satellite/Cable TV

Favourite TV channels: Black Entertainment Tv, AIT (african channel), BBC, OBE (african channel), MTV and Entertainment TV

Favourite clothes shop: New Look, Top shop, River Island etc

Personality: Bubbly, outgoing etc

Where they buy their music

How much they spend

Maximum £14.99

Do they go concerts?
Yes, occasionally

How do they listen to music?

Thursday 18 November 2010

Image Analysis

Different angle shots
Low angle shot

High Angle Shot

Eye Level

Image Analysis

Differents Shots
Long shot

Medium shot

Close Up Shot

Extreme Close Up

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Music Genre and Representation- R N B


Often portrayed in a sexual manner. Usually have earrings and half naked in videos and pictures and romantic.


Portrayed in a sexual manner, quite soft and gentle.

Song content
  • Sex
  • Love
  • Partying
  • Intimate Relationships
  • Party life style
Clothing style
  •  Not a lot of clothing
  • Jeans bellow waist- showing boxers-again a sexual reference
  • Chains
  • Designer brands

Music Genre and Representation- Hip hop


Within the Hip Hop industry concerning the music press, females with in this industry are usually seen as the tom-boy, edgey, domineering, independant, a diva and edgey.
However females can also be portrayed in a sexual manner aswell.


The Hip Hop industry they are usually associated with being extremely rich-this is usually conveyed through physical money or 'bling' (jewelery), smoking cigars and taking drugs and also Pimps (people who have a lot of girlfriends and lovers).

Within Hip Hop industry there are many things in which are promoted...

  • Promiscuisy
  • Big 4x4 cars
  • Upper-class lifestyle
  • Gangs
  • Gun crime
  • Violence
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
Contents of music in the Hip hop industry:-
  • Past experiences
  • Hard ship of being poor in the past
  • Jealousy
  • Drugs
  • Gangs
  • Crime
  • Girls
  • Money
Music Style
  • Rap

Masthead Research- VIBE

Through this masthead it is noticeable more of what type of music is promoted within this magazine. Firstly the name ‘vibe’ has connotations of being more calm, laid back sort of music-a type of music where people will ‘bop’ their heads to, whereas Rolling stone which is dominantly known for promoting rock music has points in the font-portraying that this type of music they promote is not laid-back but rather the total opposite. Also in combination with the name itself; the font it very curvy again suggesting a calm feeling from this we can gather that the genre of music is Hip-hop.
As African R n B magazines are very scarce as well as R n B, I have chosen to take inspiration on how my magazine will look like from the nearest type of genre which is Hip Hop.

Masthead Research- Rolling stone

Through the twists and points combined within the font style and in fact the name itself ‘Rolling Stone’ which is a name of a rock n roll band shows conveys to the reader of what type of magazine it is, a music magazine, the twists and the curves could resemble the fact that music makes you dance.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Examples of functions of the Music Press

What is the Music Press

What is the music press?
The music press plays a vital role in the advertisement and publicity of the new upcoming music artist as well as the continuous promotion of old and current artists maintaining their popularity.
The music press is very broad it includes music shows such as 106 and Park on BET (Black Entertainment Television)

Music magazines such as VIBE, a Hip Hop magazine, where it promotes current and upcoming hip hop artists it also contains the latest gossip on the artists as well. All of this is done to keep the world wanting more and more, boosting their publicity, leaving the hungry world wanting to know the ins and outs of their their favourite celebrities lives.

The more a certain music artist is on ones mind and the more popular the artist is, the more music is sold meaning......THE MORE MONEY MADE! Whether it comes in the form of a concert ticket, to CD's or their latest clothing line!

Monday 15 November 2010

NANG Magazine Analysis

Front cover of Nang

The title is orange informing us that the magazine is aimed at both genders as it has not used a stereotypical colour such as blue or pink. The font of the mast head is in a graffiti style showing that the style or the audience they want to attract are urban, edgy youths, the graffiti style also informs us that there target audience are young people as young people are often associated with committing act of vandalism such as graffiti on wall etc. the same type of font used through the front cover which emphasises on the edgy, trendy style the magazine wishes to promote.

The Lure on the front of the magazine
"Bashy: NANG!'s verdict on his long waited debut album"
There are many lures on the front cover; in fact the magazine cover in the background is basically full of lures. However the one that I have mentioned here stand out the most it is right next to Bashy's face. Also the lure corresponds with the picture as the name of the person on the magazine is called Bashy therefore highlighting the importance of the article; consequently it grasps the reader’s attraction the most.

Mode of address
There is use of colliquial language within the masthead itself, again targeting the youths.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Persuasive Techniques

 Analysis (persuasive techniques) on article on Dizzee Rascal
Throughout Dizzee Rascal's article the write has used various techniques in order to make the reader intrigued by Dizzee Rascal the writer uses persuasive techiniques  such as facts, alliteration, hyperbole, colliquial language and opinions.

Firstly as for the facts it states "sold over 600,000 records" the fact Dizzee Rascal has sold so many CDs assures the reader that he is popular and good, so in order to fill in and be part of the crowd they become more curious about him, it may lead them into buying a CD, listening to his music on youtube etc.Therefore swaying the reader into liking Dizzee Rascal, or atleast to listen to his music. Another fact stated is "widespread audince spaaning street kids to conservative broadsheet readers" this informs the reader that he is multi talenetd reaching all audiences again showing how good of an artist he is, as he reaches all different types of audiences.

Secondly, another persuasive technique that is used is alliteration "credible commercial" the C sound brings emphasis on his fame, his popualrity again telling the reader that he is a big hit, persuading them to find out more about him.

Thridly, the writer also uses hyperbole such as "heraldly" again exaggerating his talent making the reader extremely impressed by him without even hearing his music.

Fourthly, the writer disguises facts as opinions its states "proclaimed by Wyclef as one of the best rappers in the world" as this comes from a celebrity it appears to be fact however in actual fact it is an opinion but through this disguise the reader automatically understand Dizzee Rascal to be one of the best rappers again persuading the reader to listen to his music or buy a CD.

Lastly, the writer also uses colloquial language such as "Dirtee stank" again targeting a pacific audience which is young people as they are known for using colloquial language als notifying the reader of the partcular genre of music he comes under, the use of colloquial language appeals to young people again attracting and persuading people into listening to  his music.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

How the genre of music is being represented

Front Cover of Mixmag

Lighting and colour

Yellow is a neon colour which contrasts with the black font, this represents the glow sticks in the dark creating a rave setting informing the potential customer that the magazines is about clubbing, raving etc

Picture effect: The combination of the black and yellow with the distorted affect represents the vibrations coming from the base of the music in the rave, it also informs us of the genre of music mix and mag deals with. The disorted font represents the base in Dub-step, rave songs etc.

Facial expression

Generally all the people in the front cover look happy showing that they are having a fun time it also portrays raves and clubbing as fun as the Dj's seem to be enjoying themselves.

Costume and props

Head phones and a mixer again referring to the genre of music, the magazines deals with Dj's and raves.

Famous Dj's who are all men.

Coursework Introduction

For my media coursework we have been asked to create a music magazine on my chosen genre of music, we have been been instructed to create the front cover, contents page, and a double page spread containing an article on our new and upcoming artists whom we will promote within our magazine. My target audience is 16-19 year olds and my magazine will be aimed at a UK magazine audience.