Tuesday 28 June 2011

My Island

  • I put a sun saying photoshop around it as I really enjoyed using and learning new skills in photoshop- layering, merging, lighting and cloning.
  • I put a cloud and rain by deadlines as I didn't like having to keep up with the deadlines as it was stressful at times, I believe next time I should do all tasks (homework) as soon as I get it rather than leaving it to last minute.
  • I used sun glasses which contained the 4 majors as I was very interested in learning about the 4 majors and the conglomerates and how they work concerning majors and indies and the ways they advertise there artists (tours, music videos etc)
  • I put T.V drama near the sun as I liked analysing and gaining an in depth understanding of the clip . I learnt to develop my analytical and evaluating skills.

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