Tuesday 28 June 2011

My Island

  • I put a sun saying photoshop around it as I really enjoyed using and learning new skills in photoshop- layering, merging, lighting and cloning.
  • I put a cloud and rain by deadlines as I didn't like having to keep up with the deadlines as it was stressful at times, I believe next time I should do all tasks (homework) as soon as I get it rather than leaving it to last minute.
  • I used sun glasses which contained the 4 majors as I was very interested in learning about the 4 majors and the conglomerates and how they work concerning majors and indies and the ways they advertise there artists (tours, music videos etc)
  • I put T.V drama near the sun as I liked analysing and gaining an in depth understanding of the clip . I learnt to develop my analytical and evaluating skills.

Evaluation for task year13

I felt that this task overall went well. I was an actor in this project.I felt we all as a team worked well and came to agreements easily everyone had an equal contribution.

I felt that my contribution overall to the project was good concerning the ideas and shots types we should use throughout the film. I felt that overall the idea and flow of the film was good, I felt that it made sense, we used a lot of shot types such as close shot, long shot, tilt and pan. Which made the film interesting as it varied.

However what I think that would have made it better was if we used a tripod as at times the shots were a bit shakey unintentionally as it was handheld.

Monday 27 June 2011

Year 13

Task Given: To create a short film based on a meeting of any kind. This task was set  to give us practice in filming and editing before we start are actual filming project (coursework) when we return in September, we was given an hour to make videos for this theme as we had four people in are group and are teacher said if we are going to have four people we must create two videos; on e was done with a tripod and the other handheld.
My group was a group of 4 girls, we decided to base it on an actual T.V scenario in the Hills (MTV reality show), where a pair of friends meet up to reeconcile, however one person is more keen to make up than the other and this result in the not reconciling as the keen friend walks off  in anger.

We were given rules that we had to follow as we were filming on school premises, the were following:-
  • Always ask for permission  to film in particular parts of the school
  • Get permission from the people you are filmng
  • Do not take students out of lessons to film 
  • Do not access areas that you are not allowed