Monday 3 January 2011

EVALUATION-What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product (spread sheet)


 In order to create this I used two software Photoshop and Indesign.
I edited the photo using a variety of tools;I used auto colour in order to darken and enhance the shine in the picture and to also darken the image making the text on top more readable.In order to extend the concrete, making it A4 for my double page spread, I used the polygon lasso tool (a selection tool) which selects an area and replicates it for you, this tool enabled me to extend the image. I used a clone tool which copies areas of a picture and puts them in other areas of an image. I also used a patch tool in order to blend in the concrete, I also took out the gate and wall as I felt that it was a distraction for my desired look, I wanted it to appear that light is shining on her from above to emphasise on her being special.

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