Monday 3 January 2011

EVALUATION QUESTION-Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product

Looking back at your preliminary

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Old Flat plans for magazine

EVALUATION-What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product (Contents Page)

Before                                                                         After

For the contents page the image was cropped using the cropping tool and then inserted into Indesign where the text was put on and coloured.

EVALUATION-What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product (Front Cover)

The reason why I prefere this to my first attempt is because I feel that it meet the codes and conventions of  a music magazine.
In order to create the front cover I used the Photoshop crop tool to crop out the body an get rid of the background. I then placed the cropped image (as well as my masthead which was also done in Photoshop) into Indesign and placed the text and made the background using colour gradient. I also used special effects on the font such as shadow.

EVALUATION-What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product (spread sheet)


 In order to create this I used two software Photoshop and Indesign.
I edited the photo using a variety of tools;I used auto colour in order to darken and enhance the shine in the picture and to also darken the image making the text on top more readable.In order to extend the concrete, making it A4 for my double page spread, I used the polygon lasso tool (a selection tool) which selects an area and replicates it for you, this tool enabled me to extend the image. I used a clone tool which copies areas of a picture and puts them in other areas of an image. I also used a patch tool in order to blend in the concrete, I also took out the gate and wall as I felt that it was a distraction for my desired look, I wanted it to appear that light is shining on her from above to emphasise on her being special.

Sunday 2 January 2011

EVALUATION QUESTION-What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

Throughout my production of magazine I have used software such as Abode Indesign and Photoshop.

Indesign is a desktop publishing software allows you to layout your files made in photoshop and text with them the way you want it.The benefits of Indesign is that it gives you outlines of columns, you are also able to put the text in the columns where you want it to be and are less restricted  compared to other software similar such as Pages. This is an ideal software for magazine production as you can also put pages of the whole magazines in the software as well.

Photoshop is very good to use concerning magazines through this software you are able to place images and text via layers which lock down images and text layer by layer so there is no interference between each graphic allowing you more freedom to be creative.You are also able to change the colour tone of the picture, there is also a large variety of fonts provided as well as many effects to the picture as well such as bubble wrap shadow etc. As I talk and discuss each product I will elaborate on the effectiveness of Photoshop.

Saturday 1 January 2011

My First attempt to create a music magazine

Here is my first attempt, personally I felt that this attempt was not meeting the codes and conventions of a proper magazine for example there are too many colours font colours and styles on the front cover which did not meet the conventions of music magazines which the maximum amount of font they used were three where my one had four and the maximum amount if colours used were 2-3 where as my one had more.this is evident within the magazines below
Another thing that I noticed was that in my magazine there is settings however most music magazines, if not all, always have a plain coloured or gradient effect background.
So I then did another one which met these conventions.

EVALUATION QUESTION-What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?